Discrimination? My experiences - shedding light on some struggles
Okay, so this is something I've been thinking a lot about. I write this, only to describe what individuals like me ( and so many many...
My story & how I got diagnosed - positives and negatives
Hello folks! This post is going to be both easy and hard to write as I'll talk about my story- both the good, bad, and the ugly - not in...
Visual fatigue - What in the world is that and how does it affect me?
Hello everyone! I thought I'd tackle the next topic today - actually nobody gave me this question - I pulled it out of my own head -...
Finally another Q&A session!! - What would I say to a child with CVI?
Hello folks! I'm alive! Kinda embarrassed for not blogging for sooo long, but according to the COVID -19 pandemic, i decided i need to...
Q&A - second session!
Hi folks! I decided, since it's a gloomy day, and I'm fighting a cold to scribble up another session of Q&A here. This time I'll cover...
Questions and answers - First session!
So, I just got home from the amazing conference. Missing all of these people terribly, but forever thankful and will always stay in touch...
Sagan mÃn - my story
Þessi sÃða kemur svolÃtið à áföngum. Ég veit ekki hvar ég ætti að byrja eða hvað væri óhætt að setja hérna inn en ætla að reyna að segja...
Fyrsta bloggið - My first blog
Ég hef lengi ætlað að koma þvà à verk að stofna blogg - meðal annars til að koma skikki á alla nýju hlutina à lÃfi mÃnu. Þessa sÃðu mun...